Survivor 4 Episode recap - episode 3. Hunter is booted from Maraamu. Tribal council vote. Survivor Marquesas Epi 3.
Rotu is in good spirits after their immunity win and the tribe is functioning as a family unit. Maraamu, on the other hand, can't seem to get their act together and morale is below sea level. It's like this is the first time the tribes have ever been camping without their motor homes and
Rotu: Gabriel, John, Kathy, Neleh, Zoe, Tammy, Robert, Paschal.
Maraamu: Gina, Hunter, Patricia, Rob, Sara, Peter, Sean, Vecepia.
Reward Challenge:
Using their newly constructed bamboo rafts, the teams had to race along a criss-crossed water course while they unhooked and picked up supply boxes. The first team to complete the task and touch the floating dock with the raft wins. The reward was either a week's ration of... what else - rice or blankets, pillows and a lantern. It looked as though Maraamu had a chance to win but Rotu beat them by a tiki torch and walked away with a supply of comfy bedding.Immunity Challenge:
Only five people from each tribe could participate in the Coconut Maze Race. The wooden maze is hung by a system of pulleys from its four corners. One member of the tribe instructs the other four members (responsible for operating a corner pulley) which way to move in order to sink a coconut in the hole. The members have to rotate from station to station and the first team to sink three coconuts wins immunity. Poor, poor Maraamu loses another Immunity Challenge and sends a confused Hunter packing. High Points:
Low Points: