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Survivor 4 - Episode 2, Maraamu is Getting Skunked

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Survivor 4 - Epi 2, Momma Gets Booted

Rotu is in love (with each other.) Maraamu is down three-zip and alliances may have been formed. Did we mention that the eating challenge smells worse than a public toilet on a hot summer day? Yuck! Survivor 4 continues on the Marquesas Islands.

Rotu: Gabriel, John, Kathy, Neleh, Zoe, Tammy, Robert, Paschal.
Maraamu: Gina, Hunter, Patricia, Rob, Sara, Peter, Sean, Vecepia.

1Reward Challenge: The teams swim out into the ocean to where two fibreglass boats are sunk with about 250 rocks. They dive down, empty the boat of rocks and bring it to the surface. After that, they tow the boat to a dock, bail out the remaining water and paddle the boat to the finish line on the shore. Gabriel gives Rotu the advantage when he removes a whopping 19 rocks in one dive! Rotu never looks back and scores the reward - much-needed fishing gear.

1Immunity Challenge: In order to grab the coveted Immunity Idol, the teams have to scarf down Fafaru, a Marquesan delicacy. It's raw fish, fish bones, crab legs and lobster legs marinated in sea water, then left out in the sun for three days. Can you say YUCK! All 15 survivors manage to swallow a piece each (Hunter even goes twice since Maraamu is short one person,) so they go to a tie-breaker. Rotu picks a Maraamu member and Maraamu a Rotu member and the chosen two eat not just one piece, but a whole bowl of the rotting mush! Neleh from Rotu struggles but swallows it all, Rob from Maraamu barfs. Maraamu loses again!


High Points:

  • Gabriel's rock-diving. The boy has got to be part fish!
  • Rob spewing fish. (Sorry, but it was funny!)


    Low Points

  • Maraamu boots Patricia Jackson (Momma) instead of Sarah or Sean, who both deserved it.
  • The flies milling around the fish they eat in the challenge. Robert wanted protein and I he got it... (lesson #1: be careful what you wish for.)


    Survivor Saying of the Week:

    "If Sarah goes tonight, then I have to decide if I am going to join Hunter and be the worker again, or go with Sean and risk looking stupid." - Rob Mariano, Maraamu.
    The looking stupid thing is a risk you've already taken, Rob.

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