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May 2009 Book Buzz

May 15, 2009

Oh what a marvelous May! The magnolia and marigolds are blooming, and bookstores are bursting with mind-blowing new titles. Check out this month’s list of top new releases:

May 1: Atherton #3: The Dark Planet

You’ve experienced Patrick Carmen’s brand new world of Atherton—a manmade planet orbiting just outside of Earth. You’ve watched as the Highlands, Tabletop and the Flatlands collided. You’ve seen the deadly creatures, fires and waters that lay beneath the planet’s surface. But now it’s time to witness Edgar’s dangerous journey back home to The Dark Planet.

May 1: The Sisters Grimm: The Everafter War

Sabrina and Daphne are caught in the middle of a war between the Scarlett Hand and the Everafter Army. Check out the seventh book in Michael Buckley’s magical Sisters Grimm series.

May 5: The Last Olympian

Rick Riordan has returned with the fifth book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympian’s series. And this time, the gruesome battle between the half-bloods and the Titans unfolds on the streets of Manhattan.

May 5: Being Nikki

Bestselling teen author Meg Cabot has a new series on the go, starring a tomboy named Emerson Watts who is trapped inside a supermodel’s body. After a deadly experience for both girls, Emerson Watts and Nikki Howard underwent brain transplant surgery. Now Emerson is trying to juggle a dual life, which is even harder than it looks.

May 12: Mudshark

Mudshark has always been his school’s problem solver—the guy with all the answers. But recently a Psychic Parrot has shown up, threatening to overtake his claim to fame. Adventure novelist Gary Paulson is meddling in mischievous mysteries this year with his new book, Mudshark.

May 12: Breathless

One day Travis Morrison is a champion diver. And the next, he finds out that he has a rare form of cancer in his leg. Amputation is the only way to save his life. Check out Lurlene McDaniel’s newest novel, Breathless.

May 26: The Sorceress

Explore the third book of Michael Scott’s bestselling fantasy series. Nicholas Flamel is growing weak, but somehow he must protect Sophie, Josh and the pages from the Dark Elders, and destroy John Dee.

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