One of the greatest board games of all time, Settlers of Catan is fun for players of all ages! Find out why with our review.
The Settlers of Catan board game challenges two to four players to settle a deserted island. To play, you build a random island full of resources and give each resource a number. Players build settlements, gain resources and trade the resources to build roads, more settlements and upgrades. There's no fighting, instead you score points for each achievement, like having the longest road or biggest city, and the first person to 10 points wins!
Originally created in German, Settlers of Catan has been translated into 25 languages and is one of the most popular board games in the world. That's because it's easy to play, there's an incredible amount of strategy and anybody can win even at the very end of the game! The fun doesn't end there though because there are expansions for the basic game that add random events, more players, sailing and more. Or you can blast off to the future with Starfarers of Catan. If you haven't played this game, try it!
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