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Celebrities Go Green

Apr 22, 2008

In celebration of [KWLINK]Earth Day[/KWLINK], Kidzworld takes a look at ten celebrities doing their part for the environment and the green movement.

Brad Pitt

People magazine has called him the sexiest man alive more than once, but Brad isn't just a pretty face. He’s a big fan of architecture, so he's been active in the emerging green-building movement, helping with efforts to rebuild New Orleans in an eco-friendly way, narrating a sustainable design TV series, and supporting actor pal Ed Norton's Solar Neighbors Program.

Will Ferrell

This funnyman was a hit on TBS's Earth to America! eco-comedy special, but Will’s commitment to the environment is no laughing matter. He's a supporter of the Natural Resources Defense Council, and, parks his electric car in the driveway of his eco-friendly home.

Cameron Diaz

This blonde bombshell starred in Trippin’ an eco-themed MTV show where she traveled and helped with different environmental causes around the world. Cameron is an avid surfer, drives a hybrid car, was trained to give Al Gore's climate presentation, and helped make a big announcement about Live Earth.

Jack Johnson

This Hawaiian-born singer-songwriter co-founded the Kokua Hawaii Foundation, a nonprofit supporting environmental education in schools and communities. Jack has also done a lot to offset the environmental impact of his tours, using biodiesel-fueled buses, selling eco-friendly merchandise, and being a partner with 1% for the Planet.

Edward Norton

Soon to be seen as the big green Incredible Hulk, Ed Norton used his acting muscle to help launch BP's Solar Neighbors Program, which gets solar panels onto low-income homes in L.A. He also hosted an award-winning, four-part National Geographic TV special about the scary effects of global environmental problems.

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