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Shonen Jump’s Bleach TCG: Bankai Set Review

Reviewed by on Apr 17, 2008
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Unleash the inner power of a Soul Reaper with the new Bankai set for the Bleach card game! We review it right here.

The Bleach card game is based on the anime about fifteen year-old Ichigo Kurosaki and his battle to save human souls from evil Hollows. It lets you jump in as the good guys, or bad guys, from the show TV show and challenge your friends to battles. The new Bankai set lets you unlock the inner power of the Soul Reapers with 237 new cards. Gary shuffled his way through this set and here's his game review!

New Powers and True Power!

Two new powers pop up in this set, Aggressive that lets characters jump into the battle right away, and Defensive which gives defenders a boost to all their stats. There are also new Bankai cards that you can attach to your Guardian to get awesome new powers. On top of the new powers, lots of cards let you combine squads and other cards let you play with your discard pile.

Unleashing Pure Power!

Combined squads, powerful new Hollows, fast-acting Aggressive cards and powerful Defensive boosts add a lot of fun to the game! Especially since they combine really well with older cards.

Not So Powerful...

Unfortunately, there aren't many Bankai cards and each one only works with a single Guardian. So, if you play an Ichigo deck and pull a super-rare Daiguren Hyorinmaru Bankai, tough luck. Ick. They're also so cheap, and useful, that pulling one early in a game is almost unfair to your opponent.

Soul Reaper Smack-Talk

Bankai is a huge set full of good cards that combine really well with older cards - so you don't even need a lot to be able to really kick butt with them. The Bankai cards are a bit lame, but still fun if you have one that works with your favorite Guardian. Either way, the Bankai set is one of the best Bleach card game sets and worth grabbing a bunch of cards from!

Thumbs Up:

  • Combining squads = awesome.
  • Awesome new Hollow and evil cards.
  • Lots of ways to combine with older cards.
  • Thumbs Down:

  • The Bankai cards are frustrating!
  • Game Rating: 5

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