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Star Wars Miniatures: Legacy of the Force Set Review

Reviewed by on Apr 04, 2008
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Control the legendary heroes and villains from the Star Wars comics and novels with the Legacy of the Force set! We review it.

The Star Wars Miniatures game lets you control the characters from the Star Wars movies in battles with your friends. But the new Legacy of the Force set changes everything by introducing heroes, villains and more from Star Wars comic books and novels. It's packed with 60 figs, including new Jedi, Sith, bounty hunters, aliens and more! Here's the scoop on the set with our review.

Discovering the Legacy

Served up seven figs per pack, this set is full of some of the strangest new characters ever. It has new Sith lords, emperors, bounty hunters and the most legendary characters from the Star Wars comics and novels. There's also a good mix of figs from every faction, including the Yuuzhan Vong and Mandalorians, so there's something for everybody.

New Heroes, Villains and Powers!

Six Sith lords, Princess Leia with a Lightsaber, tons of new powers, great new strategy options and basic characters with a lot of cool powers. Sweet! Not only that, all the weird characters are a great excuse to read some fun Star Wars stories so you can find out more about them.

Who Are These Freaks?!?

Darth Krayt? Luke Skywalker's a ghost and Leia's grandkids are running around? Unless you've read a heap of Star Wars comics and novels, you won't know who anybody is. There are also some weird new powers that can be confusing.

The Legacy is Strong With the Force

As weird as some of the characters in this new set can be, they're a lot of fun to play with. There are also lots of strong characters, powerful Sith lords and great figures for any army. This set is awesome and definitely worth grabbing a bunch of!

Thumbs Up:

  • Warriors for any army - even the Mandalorians and Yuuzhan Vong!
  • Six evil Sith - feel the power of the dark side!
  • Lots of great strategies.
  • Powerful basic warriors.
  • Lots of new powers.
  • Thumbs Down:

  • If you haven't read the books/comics, you won't know who anybody is!
  • Some confusing new powers.
  • Set Rating: 5

    Age:12 and up
    Price Range: 2

    Price Range Legend
    $0-$15 =1
    $16-$30 =2
    $31-$45 =3
    $46-$60 =4
    $60+ = 5

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