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It's Not Easy Being A Rock Star

Dec 27, 2006

Backstreet Boy, A.J. McLean's recent trip to rehab only confirms what a rock star already knows. It's not easy being a rock star. Even Kermit the frog knows it's not easy being green. Ya, I know he's not a "rock star" but the point is the same. Everyone thinks being a rock star is great fun. It's glamourous, you can buy anything and do everything and you're loved by all. But that's not always the case - just ask A.J.

Sure there are lots of great things about being a musician or celebrity. I don't think there would be as many artists getting into the biz if there weren't. But just like anything else, it's not all good. One of the hardest things about being a rock star is giving up their right to privacy. This is especially hard if the artist(s) is really popular. Being in the public eye puts a lot of pressure on your shoulders to act a certain way. You have a ton of people looking up to you and the way you conduct yourself and live your life - especially when the media is there ready to fling you under the microscope, every chance they get.

What happens if you get caught doing something you shouldn't be? Everyone will find out sooner or later. What happens if someone copies what you did cuz they look up to you and think you are so cool? Is it your fault? Ouch - can't you just feel the pressure cooker? We all make mistakes but most of us don't have our dirty laundry set out to dry in front of the world.

Another thing rock stars have to learn to live with is the lifestyle - especially touring. Tours usually last between three to 18 months long. In that time rock stars live on their bus - traveling from city to city, jumping from gig to gig. They're away from family and close friends, perhaps a girlfriend or a boyfriend. They don't get much sleep and burn the candle at both ends. Then there's the whole after party scene which usually involves drugs and alcohol. Many musicians try to stay clean of this scene cuz they've witnessed so many musicians go down this way - Elvis, Jim Morrison (The Doors), Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin to name a few.

In between the grueling tour schedule they are expected to work the media circuit - giving interviews, radio appearances and photo shoots. When does a musician get time for themselves and how does an artist hold on to their own identity? It's no wonder so many artists end up checking into clinics for depression, anxiety, drugs and alcohol or for a much needed break. They're only human - just like you and me but they end up giving their life to the public. It's a huge price to pay, but most artists will say that the support of the fans is worth it.

So the next time you hear about a rock 'n roller and you think, "oh please, they've got it all" - think again. And the next time you hear about a musician or movie star whose having some trouble - have a heart. Don't forget that at the end of the day they are just like you or me. Hey, rock stars are people too.

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