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Survivor Flashback

Dec 27, 2006

After the first episode of Survivor I thought, this is a really dumb idea. Take 16 people put them on an island and we get to watch them do silly things like carry a raft through the water or eat rice and hunt rats. But hey, it was the summer and TV had become Repeat Central. So rather than watch Buffy fight vampires I already knew she'd staked, I tuned in to Survivor again. Then again and again and again. The next thing I know, I knew all their names, I'm in love with a guy named Greg and I wish Colleen and Jenna were my new best friend. Do you remember that first season? Here are some cool reminders of the first gang of castaways.


This tribe was the best. They provided the love and laughter. They had Gervase (the laziest man ever), Joel (nice to look at, but dumb as a post), Colleen (America's Sweetheart), Jenna (everybody's fave chatterbox) and Greg (the cutest freak ever.)They were fun to watch and listen to - remember when Gervase said that women were as dumb as cows and somehow Joel got blamed for the comment? Or Colleen and Greg sneaking off into the woods for "alone time" together.


These guys were a little more annoying to watch, but it was still interesting. I mean they had the cranky old guy (Rudy), the red neck trucker (Susan) and annoying naked guy (Richard.) Remeber when Susan cried because she was so happy about her frienship with Kelly? Remember when Rudy... well, if you remember anything Rudy said, you'll laugh - he was hilarious.


Tagi and Pagong merged and - after Sean and Jenna feasted, they renamed themselves Rattana. That's when we realized that Rich was more than an annoying naked guy. He was the devil and Susan was his spawn. I watched in horror, kind of like driving by the scene of an accident, as the infamous Tagi alliance picked off my faves one by one. The fun and games were over and the bloodbath had begun. Of course at this point I couldn't stop watching it, I considered rehab, a twelve-step program but I knew it was hopeless. I would have to ride this addiction 'til the end.

Remember when Gervase and Colleen - knowing one of them would be picked off next - wore homemade T shirts to Tribal Council? Colleen's had a duck on it and Gervase's had a bull's eye. Jeff asked Colleen a question and she said, "From now on I would like to be refered to as Sitting Duck." How about the time they all got tapes from home - except Jenna. Talk about heartbreaking!

And The Winner Is...

It all came down to a river guide, a naked guy and a speech from a psycho trucker.
No one will ever forget Susan's little speech where she calls Rich a snake and Kelly a rat and says "Mother Nature intended for the snake to eat the rat" - can someone say - therapy? So despite the fact that she had won the last 5 - yes 5 - immunity challenges and she voted her conscious and spoke her mind, Kelly lost the million to Richard. Rich lied and scammed. And we, the public did not fall for it - CBS conducted an online poll after the winner was announced and the results were only 11 per cent of voters thought Richard Hatch should have won.

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