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Quiz The Coach

Got questions about fitness, gym class, injuries, pro athletes or anything else that's related to sports? Quiz the Coach - he's got answers to all your questions

Sports Quizzes

Quiz! Which Friend Are You?

Friends is in its tenth and final season so you're bound to know tons about the gang. But do you know which Friend you are most like...

Quiz! Who's Your Valentine's Sports Crush?

Take Kidzworld's Valentine's Day-inspired Sports Crush Quiz and find out which female athlete is your perfect match.

Quiz! What's Your Artistic Style?

Your art says a lot about your personality (we bet you wonder what it's saying). Find out right here!

Quiz! Who's That Baseball Star?

Play online sports trivia and test your knowledge of your fave homerun hitters with the Who's That Baseball Star Quiz!

Test Your Cartoon Theme Song Trivia!

If you find yourself humming and singing along to all your fave toons, then take Kidzworld's cartoon theme song quiz!

Latest Sports

Preview body mass index pre

What’s your ideal weight? The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a mathematical equation that is supposed to tell you whether you have the ideal weight for your height. Does it work? Let’s investigate…

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Question by Juan: Hey all! I’m fanatic of basketball. I’m really upset because I have to pay $75 just to play on the school’s basketball team. What should I do?

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Okay, so I suck at pretty much every sport, but I want to get better. How can I do it?

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Should girls be allowed to play football????? This is a good question because football is such a violent sport and a lot of children, teens and adults get hurt every year.

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I know that dieting is not good for you if you skip meals and stuff like that, but is it good if you just cut down on the salt and sugar? However, I seem to be addicted to crisps and just cant stop. How can I stop?

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I very much dislike my body. Im not large, but Im small and skinny. The insults I get are youre anorexic and things along the lines of that. I happen to be size 0. Do you have any tips on how to be comfortable with my body

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