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Friends - 2002 Season Finale Sneak Peek

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

If ya wanna know a little about the 2002 Friends season finale then click ahead... otherwise dont peek - go away!

One of the biggest season finales on the way in May 2002 is Friends. We all know that next season will be the final season for Friends (yes, really) which means that this year's season finale will give us an idea of what to expect in the final year, (cuz all good things must come to an end.)

We already know that Rachel Green, (played by Jennifer Aniston,) is expecting a baby girl and Ross Geller, (played by David Schwimmer,) is the father. Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc) has decided he's in love with Rachel and the whole gang knows about it, including Ross. So how's it gonna play out in the finale? Your guess is as good as mine but here are some predictions of what could happen in the Friends finale - and next season.

1 In the Friends finale Rachel is going to give birth to a baby girl and Joey's love of Rachel will still rival his love of sandwiches! This looks like it's a sure thing for the season ender.

1The Star (tabloid newspaper) reported that Rachel could die giving birth but that theory was immediately stomped out and we know she's signed on for another season. Other theories have Rachel's labor as the longest labor in the history of the hospital. Ouch... for Rachel's sake I hope that doesn't happen.

1 Rachel giving birth will definitely shake things up. Ross will be probably be a wreck in the delivery room. Joey will want to be with Rachel in the delivery room but he knows he can't. I wonder how he'll feel around Rachel, the baby and Ross? Once Ross and Rachel see their baby and spend time together being parents, will old sparks be re-ignited? How will poor Joey feel if Ross and Rach are all cozy? Awww poor guy... Joey has finally opened himself up to love.

They'll leave us hanging at the end of the one hour finale which means we'll have even more questions about the ninth - and final - season of Friends. How will the relationships play out? Will Ross and Rachel get married or will Rachel and Joey hook-up? Will Aunt Monica get all drooly over Rachel's baby and convince Chandler to have a little Bing?

There are lots of questions about the Friends season finale (airing May 16, 2002 on NBC) and even more questions about the following year. Only the writers know for sure, but if you've heard any gossip about the Friends' storyline, or you've got some good ideas of your own, .

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