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Super Smash Brothers :: Kids Submit N64 Game Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Check out Kidzworld Kid Submit review and walkthrough of Super Smash Brothers for the N64. You pick your fave Nintendo character and knock another one off of the map. You wont stop playing its so fun!

I am going to write about Super Smash Brothers for the N64.

Super Mash Brothers is a game where you fight with another character of your choice. There are about eight characters to choose from. Some of the characters you have to unlock on your own. I think the best character is Kirby.

You can play this game on Nintendo 64 with one to four players. You can chose items to use in the "options." Some items you get are pokeballs, hammers, swords, boxes, extra lives, etc. You can pick up the boxes and throw them and you can break them to find items in them.

The buttons you use for the game are the "a" and "b" buttons, the four yellow triangular buttons going north, east, south and west and the start button. You use all those buttons to control your character.

After you play it a lot you get used to it but you don't get bored because it's so fun!


Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: *~Jessica~*
Age: 12

I will be writing about: Super Smash Brothers.

Nintendo 64

People like this game because it has lots of their favorite Nintendo characters. They have new and powerful attacks - like Kirby can take other people's powers or Samus can create a big fireball and make bombs. The hidden characters are Ness, Jigglypuff, Captain Falcon and Luigi - they are the strongest characters but you can defeat them if you have strategy.

You can get items like a bomb, hammer and a star to help you fight.

The boss of the single player game is the Master Hand. He shoots shark bombs that will hurt you a lot.

I like the game because I always beat my brothers at it.

Rating: 4

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Jimmy
Age: 11

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