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Tight Fit

Dec 27, 2006

It wasn't that long ago when tight jeans were in style. I'm talking jeans worn as tight as possible. Like most teens, Megan kept up with the latest fashion trends. As soon as 15 year-old Megan could afford some new jeans she rushed out and bought a pair.

On Monday morning before school she put on her new jeans. To make them even tighter she filled the tub with water and got in with her jeans on. As soon as she was soaked she got out and waited for the jeans to dry.

Unfortunately for Megan, when the jeans started drying they became unbearably uncomfortable. They were already tight to begin with and as soon as they completely dried things became painful. Megan's legs started to go numb and she couldn't even walk. She tried getting out of the jeans, but it hurt too much and they were too tight. Lying on her bed Megan yelled for her parents who immediately ran into her room.

The end result was a trip to the hospital where doctors cut off her jeans. Megan had lost circulation in her legs but once the jeans were cut off she was fine. Megan's not the only victim of tight jeans. Paramedics have had to cut off a few pairs of jeans from lots of females, not just teenagers, who have managed to squeeze themselves into jeans that were a little too tight.

Believe it or not? Take our poll and see what others think.

Did you chuckle at the tourist in last weeks story, A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, when the kangaroo ran off with his jacket? Kangaroos have been hit by both locals and tourists but I don't know if any have ran off with someone's jacket.

Here are last weeks poll results:

Believe It or Not?

Yes: 75 percent
No: 16 percent
I don't know: 8 percent

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