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Instrument - Keyboards

Dec 27, 2006

If you haven't tried out a keyboard before, what are you waiting for? Even if you don't know a thing about music, a keyboard can be a ton of fun. You might not be the next music superstar, but with today's keyboards you can sound like one!

Keyboards - You've Got the Beat

Most keyboards offer a variety of different sounds to chose from like cosmic organs, real piano sounds and even guitar noises. Then you can spice up your song with a funky drum beat. Once you choose the style of beats you want, the keyboard will keep playing the beats until you change it.

Keyboards - Sample Sale

Most keyboards will let you select the style of music you want to play like pop, rock or reggae and add background music that will make you sound like a rock star! You can have a lot of fun by adding a cow-bell or an unsuspecting animal noise like "Moo" to your song. Depending on how hi-tech your keyboard is, some will let you add your own noises to its memory bank. Maybe you wanna sample some Avril Lavigne vocals or perhaps you prefer to trumpet off fart noises... hey, it's your creation, do what you like.

Keyboards - Music to Your Ears

If you want to hear your musical masterpiece you can set your keyboard to record and then play it back when you're done. In fact, blast it. Unlike most drums or guitars, you won't annoy anyone with your late-night playing cuz you can just plug in your headphones. And the great thing about a keyboard is that it's portable... you can play it anywhere.

Keyboards - What Can You Choose From?

Whatever the model or style you choose, keyboards can be a lot of fun. Depending on how much money you wanna spend, keyboards can range in price from under $100 to over $1000. So, think about how serious you are going to be about your new found hobby - then head down to your local music store for a keyboard and start jamming!

If you play the keyboard or any other instrument, . Tell us why you love the instrument you play!

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