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Egypt - King Tut Revealed

Jul 10, 2018

He has been dead for over 3,000 years and yet, it wasn't until just recently that we found out what the young pharaoh would have looked like under his famous golden mask. Still, many mysteries surround King Tut-Ankh-Amen and his short reign as Egyptian pharaoh. Was he really murdered? And if so, who cut the pharaoh's life so short? We may never know all the answers but historians have some pretty good guesses.

Finding King Tut

King Tut was only 18 years old when he died in 1350 BC. When his tomb was found in 1922, his body and face were too shrunken and decayed, despite having been mummified, to tell what he might have looked like when alive. It has taken close to 80 years to figure that mystery out.

Technology Brings King Tut Back From the Grave

In late 2002, scientists and special effects artists from Britain and New Zealand managed to construct a fiberglass replica of King Tut's head from X-rays of his skeleton. The cast is now on display in London's Science Museum.

Talk About A Cold Case - The Murder of King Tut

The same X-rays used to construct a replica of King Tut's head, revealed to scientists that the pharaoh of Egypt suffered a serious blow to the back of the head, which was most likely what killed him. Although no written documents have been found to confirm or deny this theory, Egyptian historians have found other evidence implicating both his wife and grandfather as possible murder suspects.

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