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Dear Dish-It, How Do I Know If He's Cheating?

Dec 27, 2006

Dear Dish-It, is here to whisper "ttyl when I've thought about this some more".

Dear Dish-It,

My friend really likes this guy Mark and she cries over him a lot. She knows he doesn't like her but she doesn't wanna believe it. She feels depressed and wants to get over him. What should she do?

Dear mommyzlilmonsta,

The first ingredient to mending a broken heart is to surround yourself with good friends. I think your friend already has that part covered by having you by her side. Ingredient number two is just getting out and having as much fun as possible. Help take her mind off this heart-breaker by heading to the mall for a girls-only shopping adventure, go to the beach and scope out some hotties or grab some ice cream with a bunch of friends. There are plenty of fish in the sea, and all your friend needs to do is grab her fishing gear and start reeling in a new cutie.

Dear Dish-It,

My boyfriend and I love each other so much. But now my BF has gone away to Florida with his family. I really miss him and I'm sure he misses me. But I have this tingly, twisty thing in my stomach and I think he's cheating on me. He did tell me before he left for Florida, "I love you babe, with all my heart and you know I won't let go of you for the rest of my life. I'll see you in a month Sugar Lips. One last kiss?" Then he kissed me and we said "Good-bye." But how do I know if he's cheating on me? He can't email me, call me, or write a letter... what should I do?

Dear SadAngel302,

Hmmm, I'm not sure how your BF could have been any clearer about how much he cares about you. When you two parted he said, "I love you babe, with all my heart and you know I won't let go of you for the rest of my life." That's probably the nicest thing I've heard come our of a teenage boy's mouth. I don't think you have anything to worry about when it comes to your guy cheating. It's natural for you to feel a bit worried or insecure but the trick is to not give into those feelings. Relax, enjoy your time apart and just have a great summer!

Dear Dish-It,

I am totally ugly yet I got like five guys who think I'm cute. But the problem is, I only like one of them. Sometimes he can be sweet, like the one day he sang to me on my answering machine and he totally digs my 'rents! But he is also really mean at times! My mom and sis keep trying to tell me I'm not in love but I think they're wrong. How can I tell if I am or not? How can I tell if he is? And another thing is, I'm going into seventh grade. I know I am young but I've liked this boy ever since pre-K, so that is nine years! I mean he was my first peck kiss and that was when I was in kindergarten. Please help!!!

Dear lilromeoloverone,

I think it's more likely that you have a major crush on this boy of yours, rather than being totally in love with him. And that's understandable, seeing that he was your first kiss, and seems to really dig ya. It seems like this is a dude you could probably have a ton of fun with as friends and then see where things go. Don't rush anything... you're only heading into grade seven, so you have a ton of time ahead of you to meet lots of cool guys. And chances are, if five guys out there think you're a cutie, ya are! Time to get over the ugly feelings! Good Luck!

So, ya gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinkin' 'bout stuff like depression, sex,how ya feel 'bout YOURSELF (that's called "self-esteem"), boyfriends, girlfriends, losin' old friends, bullyin' or peer pressure, but too scared to ask the parents? Don't be scared to .

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