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Dear Dish-It, My Guy Just Dumped Me

Dec 27, 2006

Dear Dish-It,

My guy just dumped me a couple of days ago and never told me why. He didn't even do it himself. He had my ex do it. He wouldn't tell me why either. My friend said it was cuz I wouldn't make out with him, but that's a lil' lame cuz he never tried. My other friend said it was cuz he wanted to flirt with other girls. I'm thinkin "what's wrong with me? Why couldn't he just flirt with me?" Please reply.

Dear SweetBaby22,

Bein' dumped sucks, but it happens to the best of us. And anyone who says they haven't been dumped - well, just watch them fall when it happens to them. As for the why's of a broken heart, don't ask. It doesn't matter... cuz would ya really wanna hook back up with a boy who treated you like that? I mean he didn't even do it himself! What's his name? Justin Timberlake! Seriously girl, if even one of the reasons given is true, he is totally lame. To answer your question - there is nothin' wrong with you. You're fine! Sometimes a guy is all about the chase and nothin' else. Hmmm, his loss.

Dear Dish-It,

There's this boy at school, named Michael, and I like him very much. The only thing is that my best friend, Nisha, got me with her brother and I really like him too. What do I do?
Jerrry S.

Dear Jerrry S.,

Choose! C'mon girl, I can't make up your mind for ya. Life is full of choices. Make one and then get movin'. Is it bachelor number one or bachelor number two? For what it's worth, choose the boy you know best. If you know more about Michael than you do about Nisha's bro, my vote goes to Michael. But like I said before, you gotta choose girl. C'mon you gotta feel stronger 'bout one of them.

Dear Dish-It,

Do you think you should tell someone you like them?

Dear Snoopdograchel,

It's always okay to tell someone you like them. Spread the sunshine, girl. But the question, I think, you're really askin' is not is it okay but will it work out? Unfortunately, there are no guarantees. Tellin' someone you like them is the highest and best compliment you can give another. It says you're all that, you're da bomb, I like what I see. But instead of bein' flattered, some peeps get all wiggy. They stop talkin' to ya and they avoid ya cuz they don't know how to deal. If ya get that kinda response, they probably don't deserve you or they obviously ain't all that!

So, ya gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinkin' 'bout stuff like depression, sex,how ya feel 'bout YOURSELF (that's called "self-esteem"), boyfriends, girlfriends, losin' old friends, bullyin' or peer pressure, but too scared to ask the parents? Don't be scared to .

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