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Burger King X-Men Toys

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

What do you do when its munchie time? Grab a burger and fries! Chowing down is even better if you get a cool toy too. Heres the 411 on the newest X-Men: Evolution package at Burger King.

What do you do when it's munchie time? Grab a burger and fries! Where better to snag it than from Burger King? You can score some tasty grub and pick up a wicked X-Men: Evolution toy at the same time.

This package from the king of burgers is a sweet one. You can collect eight X-dudes on an X-Men: Evolution stand that has a cool secret viewer you can look into for extra info on the super-mutants. The figs can't stand on their own but they're in awesome action poses. Toad is toad-ally ready to attack!

The CD is da real bomb though. It's crammed with video clips, X-Men games, a pop-up comic, wallpapers, screensavers and, best of all, a Mutant Compatibility Quiz. Take it and it'll tell you which mutant you're most like. Who are you? Let us know!

The only thing that keeps this pack of mutants from scoring full marks is that the games are a little weak and the girl figures are stuck to walls. Even with a few mutant lumps & bumps, Burger King still rocks as the king of fast food toys!

Rating: 4

1Hi, I love X-men because they are so,so,so,so,so,so,so cool.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: joboonej2
Age: 10
Rating: 3

1Hey hey. Daman kickin' here. I was most compatible with Jean Grey...GO ME! I'm such a sly devil, heh heh.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: DaManThatCan
Age: 12

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