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Beautiful Bodies or Freaks of Nature?

Jan 03, 2019

What's with female bodybuilders? I don't mean chicks that exercise and stay in shape. I'm talking about those leather-skinned monster-women with huge muscles.

It's great that these people want to be fit and healthy but why do something that makes you look so hideous? Fit and healthy girls look like Anna Kournikova, Gabrielle Reese and Serena Williams. They're nice to watch on television because they're good looking and great athletes. I'll watch female bodybuilders on the TV but only because it's like watching a circus side show.

Female bodybuilders must be using steroids to look the way they do. They'll say they're just using special exercise techniques and diets. But exercise and diets do not make a girl grow muscles that big. That's what happens to many of these body builders because of steroid use and certain nutritional supplements. Why would a girl want to put this much effort into looking like a man.

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I read this article talking about women's body building and thought the rant was very rude and pointless. I'm a girl, but I don't bodybuild or anything but i find nothing wrong with it. Why would you think it was ok for a guy to bodybuild and not a girl? A man isn't normally built like that and both would have to take steriods or some kind of pill, NOT JUST WOMEN. Whoever wrote that was very sexist and too opinionated without looking at the other side of the story. If that's what a bodybuilding woman wants to do with her body, let her do it. No one tells a man not to do it.

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