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Outdoor Adventures

Dec 27, 2006

A rock climber describes her first triumph up a dangerous cliff and a heroic girl saves her drowning dog in these Kidzworld outdoor adventures.

My First Climb

Author: G-Climber
"Tension! You got me?" I yelled. I was having a hard time believing where I was. I was standing ten feet off the ground on a tiny rim of rock, clutching to a knub above me and trying to find the next foot hold. "Breathe," I kept telling myself, "I am safe, I checked my rope, I trust my belayer, and I have done climbs like this before!" But I couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of panic that was creeping over my body. My friend Alex called out from below, "Gen, I'm not going to pull you to the top, you should not even feel you have a rope right now!" I couldn't believe it! I knew that, but man was I scared! "A little support would be nice," I yelled back, swallowing the curse words that wanted to come out. All of a sudden, I saw the route, my foot was up one and soon I was close to the top. I suddenly remembered to look around. I was at Smith Rock and man did I feel on top of the world!

The Day I Saved My Dog

Author: C-Span
When I was eleven I went camping with my family to our favorite spot, Rushing River, Ontario. We decided to go for a hike on a nearby trail. My mom, dad, sister and my dog, Rikki, packed a lunch (Rikki makes the best peanut butter and dogbone sandwiches you've ever had) and headed for the trail. The hike was this really cool trail that wound along beautiful waterfalls and a rushing river. After a while Rikki went to the edge of the water for a drink. All of a sudden the water caught him and sucked him into the river. The water was fast and choppy with steep drops and my dog was frantically floating down with his paws flappin'! Before mom and dad could react, Rikki was 20 feet down the river, so I quickly sprinted down the hill looking for an edge ahead of him. I laid down in the Y-pattern I'd been taught at swimming lessons and stretched out as far as I could, hoping to grab him. Luckily he was within my range and I scooped him up. He was safe and I felt like a hero - it was great! My parents took pictures of a sopping wet me and Rikki to commemorate the event.

Do you have any great stories of an outdoor adventure? Comment below and tell the other Kidzworld member!

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