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Gregory Smith Interview

Nov 13, 2007

By: Sindy

You may recognize Gregory Smith as Ephram Brown from Everwood, but there's far more to this up and coming actor. Here's what he had to say when he sat down to chat with Kidzworld.

Sindy: Hi Gregory. Why don't you start off by telling me a little about your new movie, The Seeker?
Gregory Smith: The Seeker is a film that centers around a 13 year-old boy named Will who finds himself stuck in the middle of a battle between good and evil - which is represented by the dark and the light.

Sindy: Can you tell me a little about your character, Max?
Gregory Smith: I play Max, Will's oldest brother, who has been kicked out of college and is feeling a little insecure about it, which leads him into the struggle between the dark and the light.

Sindy: Most people know you best for your role on Everwood, which recently ended. Do you miss it or were you ready to move on?
Gregory Smith: I miss the people, but I was ready for it. It was funny because I was in Salt Lake City and I just wanted to get out and see the world. As soon as Everwood was over, I was shooting this film in Romania and I couldn't stomach the food and I was just like, "Oh God, be careful what you wish for."

Sindy: Are you still friends with any of your co-stars?
Gregory Smith: Yup. Chris (Pratt) - when I was shooting in Romania - was shooting in Prague, so we met up and went to Berlin together and had a really good time.

Sindy: You've been doing more films of late. Do you prefer them or TV?
Gregory Smith: Well, I won't be able to do a TV show for a while because it's such a massive, life-altering commitment so, for now, I'm happiest making films.

Sindy: You have a fairly impressive resume for someone your age. Do you ever worry that you missed out on the simple pleasures of just being a kid while you were working so hard?
Gregory Smith: Not at all. I mean, I definitely missed out on some things, but the things I had it supplanted with, I wouldn't give up for the world.

  • Click here to read about Gregory Smith's upcoming projects and his advice for aspiring actors!
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