Ive been getting tons of letters from members. Theyve been really groovy, keep them coming, please! But Im telling you, as a friend and as a mother, ya gotta learn to talk to your parents.
I have been getting a mad amount of letters from members. They have been really groovy, keep them coming, please! But I gotta tell you, as a friend and as a mother, ya gotta learn how to talk to your parents. With that in mind here are some tips on puttin' it down with the 'rents. Puttin' it down means telling the truth, the real deal, and nuttin' but. Check this out.
Know what's bugging you. Listen, this is your life, you have to realize what's on your mind. Think about it, talk to your friends, write it down - in others words, figure out what the problem is.
Just do it. Okay, I'll admit, laying something heavy on your folks as they're headed out the door for some big function, may not be the best time. BUT... it's better than nothing. It's hard nowadays to find time to say hi, let alone have some big discussion, but take any opportunity. It may be a fifteen minute ride in the car or on the bus. OPEN YOUR MOUTHS AND TALK.
Don't be embarrassed. I know that it's difficult to even imagine your moms and pops as young once. But they were. There is not anything you can say or do that they haven't seen or heard. Believe that.
Be prepared for some reaction. Now notice I said some reaction. Think of your being open like a science experiment. It's a little of this and that... then poof!It may be just what you expected or maybe not. Chances are you'll survive.
Honesty is the best policy. Tell the whole truth.
Trust yourself. Whatever you are feeling or have questions about is real. Sometimes you feel as if you are the only one going through drama. You are not.
Never make the same mistake twice. Listen to the feedback and advice that you get and give. Use it to your advantage.
Remember your folks love you and want the best for you. If you keep that in mind, it'll be all good. You'll see.