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Powers Book Review

Reviewed by on Sep 14, 2007
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Here comes another tale from the fantasy world of Gifts and Voices. Is Urusula K. Le Guins latest story about slavery and freedom worth reading?

Author: Ursula K. Le Guin

The fantasy world that started in the acclaimed novel Gifts and continued in the popular Voices is back with a the new novel Powers from award-winning author Ursula K. Le Guin. It's a companion to the first two books, so you don't need to read them to be able to enjoy this story, but if will help. Here's our review.

Life, Freedom and Gavir's Story

This book is a story about Gavir, a dark-skinned boy, his life, his sister and how he discovers things about the world and himself. He starts as a reasonably well-treated slave in a noble house, but his world is torn apart and he ends up free, wandering as he tries to find a place for himself. What makes this book stand out is that it isn't a story about war, goblins or treasure. Instead it's a rich story full of very real situations, great characters, friendships, trust and betrayal.

Action Packed?

Even though Gavir has a gift to see the future and other people have strange abilities, this isn't a story about weird powers, supernatural heroics or bashing villains in the head with a big stick. If you're looking for action and adventure, this is the wrong book for you.

The Bottom Line

Ursula K. Le Guin is a great writer and Powers is another of her terrific stories that can make you smile, cry and miss it when it's over. It's not action-packed, but it's very real and the characters are so good that it'll keep you reading through all 502 pages. If you're looking for a great bedtime read, Powers is a winner!


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