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Be First in the Universe Book Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Twins Tod & Tessa are mall addicts. Visiting the Middle Valley Mall for the first time ever they find Gemini Jacks. Jack may be cool but he glows in the dark. What are the twins getting into?

Author: Stephanie Spinner and Terry Bisson

Tod and Tessa are total mall addicts. They rate malls by the best escalators, best bathrooms and best fast food. But they're living with their hippie grandparents who are totally anti-mall - what do they do?

The Man Who Glows in the Dark

One day their grandma needs some pans that have to come from the mall. The twins are off like a shot to pick them up. In the middle of the Middle Valley Mall they find Gemini Jack's U Rent All, run by the mysterious and cool Jack. What makes him mysterious and cool? Well, Jack glows in the dark and has way too many fingers. Before the twins know it they're involved in some seriously weird stuff.


Stephanie Spinner and Terry Bisson do a good job of writing an entertaining story. It's fast paced and fun with cool heroes, vile villains and a goofy sort of weirdness to it. It's a little short and the ending is kind of, well, disturbing but if you're looking for a fun read it's a good story. The best part is FM (Fib-Muncher) - the e-pet that feeds on lies and beeps whenever someone isn't telling the truth. The twins take it to school one day and get into all kinds of trouble. Can you imagine not being able to tell even a tiny, little lie all day long?

The Bottom Line

Be First in the Universe is a good quick read with a disturbing ending. Now how can I get Grandma Lulu to make me some of her famous 'Piece of My Heart' Chocolate Cake? It sounds delicious!

Be the First in the Universe Rating: 4

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