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Simon's Blog - August 28, 2007

Aug 28, 2007

August 28, 2007

The last week of summer vacation is racing by and my mom is on my case to go shopping with her for back-to-school supplies. Ugh... here we go again!

This summer sure has been a busy one. I had a wicked job, and they've asked me to come back next summer, which is really cool. I also made a lot of new friends who I'm going to try to stay in touch with. And then there's the Vanessa fiasco, which was really lame.

Being in charge of a bunch of kids this summer (at the skateboarding camp) was an interesting experience. I think it's going to be hard to go from being the person who is in charge, back to being the kid who gets sent to the principal's office. Maybe this is the start of a new, more mature me. Or maybe not...

So I guess I'd better get cracking on my back-to-school shopping. I'm not much of a shopper, but if I want to impress the ladies this year, I should probably show up to school in something cooler that last year's raggedy jeans. What's on your must-have list this September? Any fashion advice for a guy who is allergic to fashion? !


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