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Freaky Sports Facts

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

How big are Shaqs feet? What was the first hockey puck made from? What did the Japanese do for sporting fun back in ancient times? Read on to find out more freaky and funny sports facts.

How big are Shaq's feet? What was the first hockey puck made from? What did the Japanese do for sporting fun back in ancient times? Here's a look at some freaky, funky, funny sports facts.

1Shaquille O'Neal wears size 22 shoes. He puts on a brand new pair before every game.

1Before 1859, umpires sat in a padded rocking chair behind the catcher.

1In the National Hockey League, home teams wear white jerseys and visiting teams wear dark jerseys. That's because back in the 1960s, the league figured it would be more difficult to keep white uniforms clean while players were on the road.

1The first puck ever used in a game was a frozen piece of cow crap.

1Ari Petrof is Sweden's National Sauna Champion. He stayed in a 212 degrees F(100 degrees C) sauna for five hours and 10 minutes.

1You've probably heard your coach or parents say, "It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye." Well that phrase comes from Ancient Rome. The only rule during Roman wrestling matches was, "No eye gouging." Biting, kicking and scratching were allowed but the only way to be disqualified was to poke someone's eye out.

1You might think a yo-yo is just a fun toy. But it started out as a weapon in the Philippine Islands in the 16th century. It weighed four pounds and had a 20 foot cord. It was introduced to the United States as a toy in 1929.

1In ancient Japan, public contests were held to see who in a town could fart the loudest and longest. Winners were awarded many prizes and received great recognition. (Tell that to your parents next time they tell you not to let one rip in public.)

1 In ancient Rome, when men played the olympics, they would compete in the total nude!.

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