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Pokemon Diamond and Pearl: Capture Dialga and Palkia!

Jun 08, 2007

The awesome Pokemon Diamond and Pearl video games are packed with new Sinnoh region Pokemon for you to collect. But, two of the strongest Pokemon in the game are Dialga and Palkia - they're the ones so famous they're on the game boxes! Capturing these mighty Pokemon for your own collection is hard without some tips, hints and cheats! So it's Cheat Street to the rescue! It's the home to all game cheats, codes, secrets, hints, tips and walkthroughs you need to beat your fave games!

Pokemon Diamond - Capturing Dialga Walkthrough

The mighty Dialga is a blue and white Pokemon with a diamond on its chest. It's a Dragon/Steel-type Pokemon, which means it's immune to a ton of attacks! Dialga is also L47 when you find it and has incredibly powerful attacks. The key to capturing Dialga is to stock up on Hyper Potions, Ultra Balls and to use the right kind of Pokemon in battle. Here's a list of what Pokemon types can survive against Dialga, and what attack types will damage Dialga.
  • Best Pokemon Types - Fighting, Ghost, Ground, Poison, Psychic, Steel and Water.
  • Best Attack Types - Fighting and Ground.
  • Pokemon Suggestions - Machoke, Donphan, Claydol, Groudon and Lucario to start. Metagross, Jirachi and especially Bronzong once it's weak!
  • Pokemon Diamond - Starting Pokemon vs. Dialga

    Here's the 411 on how your starting Pokemon will do against Dialga.
  • Turtwig/Grotle/Torterra - Your Grass moves are useless but your Ground attacks are strong. Be careful though, Dialga's attacks will hurt and no Grass moves = no healing.
  • Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape - Your Fighting moves can hurt Dialga, but Fire attacks are useless. Hit it once, maybe twice, then run because its attacks will clobber you!
  • Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon - Awesome! Only Dialga's Aura Sphere can hurt you, so you can fight for a while. You can't do much damage with your attacks, so don't start the battle with Empoleon. But, when Dialga gets to half HP, bring out Empoleon and start doing tiny amounts of damage to get it into the red before tossing Pokeballs!
  • Pokemon Pearl - Capturing Palkia Walkthrough

    Palkia is a pink and white Pokemon with gems on its shoulders. It's a Water/Steel-type Pokemon, so it resists a lot of attacks. When you find Palkia it will be L47 and ready to kick your butt with powerful attacks. Stock up on Hyper Potions, Ultra Balls and the right Pokemon if you want to capture Palkia. Here's a list of what Pokemon types can survive against Palkia, and what attack types will damage Palkia.
  • Best Pokemon Types - Fighting, Ghost, Grass, Poison, Psychic, Steel and Water.
  • Best Attack Types - Electric, Fighting and Ground.
  • Pokemon Suggestions - Machoke, Steelix and Magnezone (trade from a friend online) to start, then Metagross, Jirachi and especially Bronzong once it's weak!
  • Pokemon Pearl - Starting Pokemon vs. Palkia

    Here's the 411 on how your starting Pokemon will do against Palkia.
  • Turtwig/Grotle/Torterra - You can take a hit or two, and your Ground moves are strong, but don't stick around.
  • Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape - Run away! Fighting moves can hurt Palkia, but Palkia will clobber you, fast.
  • Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon - Awesome! You resist all of Palkia's attacks except Aura Sphere, so you can fight for a while. Your attacks won't do much damage, but that's perfect for capturing Palkia because you want to get its HP low without KO'ing it!
  • Come back to Cheat Street next week for info on how to catch a Pokemon even stronger than Dialga or Palkia - the legendary Pokemon Arceus!

    Update! After much testing and research - there's no way to catch Arceus in an english-language copy of Pokemon Diamond or Pearl! Next week's game cheats will instead be for Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2!

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