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Sindy's Blog - June 7, 2007

Jun 07, 2007

June 7, 2007

I am way jealous of Simon's new summer job! While he's skateboarding around all day with a bunch of kids, I'll probably get stuck serving food at some diner again. I had thought about heading back to camp but I don't really want to be away from my friends and family all summer long. I might just head there for a couple weeks towards the end of the summer just to hang out with some of the other counselors.

After last summer I tried really hard to stay in touch with Connor but we just lived too far away from each other for anything to really stick. Even if I do run into him at some point this summer, I think it's best I stick to boys that actually live in my zip code. Maybe I'll meet some cute surfer... What? A girl can dream, can't she?

I should just take some resumes round to all the surf shops down at the beach. It's only like a half hour bus ride from my house, so it wouldn't be too hard to get there everyday. And if Simon can spend his vacation making money for skateboarding, why couldn't I make money talking to cute surfers all day?

Have you all got summer jobs yet? Are any of you going to camp? I'd love to hear about your plans. It would be a nice distraction from studying for my final exams! Only a few days left before we are completely free from books, tests and hall passes. I can't wait!

Well, my mom is naggin' me to mow the lawn again. I guess I should get it done before she freaks and grounds me for my first week of summer vacation.

Peace Out,

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