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Are We Done Yet? DVD Review

Reviewed by on Apr 03, 2007
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Ice Cube is back in Are We Done Yet, the sequel to Are We There Yet? How does it compare to the first movie? Check it out!

Ice Cube may be trying to re-launch his gangsta rap persona, but he's not going to let a little thing like that come between him and the sequel to Are We There Yet?. Check out what happens when Cube packs up the family and moves to the country.

Are We Done Yet? - Left a Good Job in the City

Since we last caught up with him in Are We There Yet?, Nick Persons has sold his stake in his sporting good store, married his lady and become step-dad to two sassy young kids who are now living in his former bachelor pad. Feeling just a bit too cramped (especially when he hears his wife has twins on the way), Nick starts looking for a big house in the country to move the family to.

Are We Done Yet? - House of Horrors

Nick finds a beautiful old mansion and buys it on the spot from a friendly but odd-ball realtor named Chuck. It soon becomes clear that Nick's dream house is a real fixer upper and he takes on the job of renovating. When he realizes that he's not up to the job, Nick calls in the local contractor - who just happens to be Chuck. Soon Nick's dream house has been torn to pieces and family is heading in the same direction.

Are We Done Yet? - I Get By With a Little Help from My Friends

Chuck always tells Nick that "things get worse before they get better," and that's definitely true of this situation. Nick's wife and kids move into the guest house to get away from him, his start-up sports magazine can't get off the ground, and his house is in ruins. Nick is going to have to learn to play nice if he wants to get out of this situation.

Are We Done Yet? - DVD Features

This might not be the funniest movie ever made, but it doesn't scrimp on DVD extras. Watch behind-the-scenes features, bloopers and more. There's also a cool Are We Done Yet? trivia game for you to test your Ice Cube knowledge!

Are We Done Yet? - Bottom Line

Are We Done Yet could quite possibly be the least funny, least original movie you'll ever see. Essentially the movie follows Nick as he predictably burns himself, falls down, and hits himself with hammers - over and over and over and over again. It's like watching the least funny episode of Tom and Jerry on loop for the rest of your life... while being bitten incessantly by fire ants.

Are We Done Yet? Rating:1

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