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Simon's Blog - March 20, 2007

Mar 19, 2007

March 20, 2007

Just when I thought I couldn't take another day of winter, the weather gods have taken pity on me and given me a break. Okay, it was a short break - only about four hours of sun yesterday afternoon before dissolving back into rain again.

Anyway, the brief burst of sun means one thing - spring is almost here. And spring means one thing - spring break! The hard partying in Cancun is going to have to wait until I'm in college - or, you know - until my mom will let me travel without her. So I'm going to have to come up with slightly more reasonable plans. I imagine there will be a lot of PlayStation, skateboarding and foosball. Yup, Ben just got a foosball table in his basement. That's almost as good as getting my own. Score!

I'm still playing with the camera my aunt got me a lot. Mostly, I've been taking pictures of my dog because he doesn't mind how long it takes me to set up my shots. I'm hoping to branch out to other stuff once the weather gets nicer. There's some pretty cool graffiti in my city that I'd like to take pictures of. Maybe I could enlarge some of the better shots and hang them up in my room. My space could definitely use a re-vamp - but I draw the line at sewing my own curtains like Sindy did.

But back to my dog for a second. Have you seen that there is this recall on for a bunch of different pet foods? Thankfully my dog Ralph wasn't affected, but I read that some people's pets died! I didn't mind last year's spinach recall (who wants to eat spinach anyway?), but if a pet food company hurt Ralph, I'd freak out.

So, what are your spring break plans? Are you going on vacation or are you just hanging out at home? !


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