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Dear Dish-It: I Think I'm Fat

Mar 05, 2007

Dear Dish-It,

I'm 12 years old, 5'1" and 104 pounds and I think I'm fat. Well, I know I am. The problem is, I've got a heart problem so I can't run my hardest in cross country to lose some weight! Please help me!!!!


Dear shortysweetluv,

How do you know you're fat? Are you comparing yourself to models or celebrities like Nicole Richie and the Olsen twins? If that's what you're doing, I suggest you stop now cuz they're not good role models when it comes to body image. In fact, they've battled serious eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia!

I know you're not fat and here's proof - doctors use the Body Mass Index (BMI) to find out if you're in a healthy weight range for your height. According to the BMI, a girl your age should weigh between 79 and 115 pounds. At 5'1" and 104 pounds, you fall right in the middle, which means you are at a healthy weight. So squash your plan of trying to lose weight and concentrate on staying healthy! You can do this by cutting out unnecessary fats and sugars from your diet, eating more fruits and veggies and drinking more water (at least eight glasses a day).

Exercising is also important, but you need to take your heart problem into consideration first. You could cause serious damage by overworking your body, so ask your doctor what sort of sports you can participate in. Your health is much more important than overworking your body or starving yourself just to be skinny.

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