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Casting Call - Canadian Idol 5

Jan 30, 2007

If you missed your chance last time around, you've got another shot at becoming the next Canadian Idol! Starting on February 3, 2007, Canadian Idol auditions are being held across the country. Think you have what it takes to join the ranks of Eva Avila, Melissa O'Neil, Kalan Porter and Ryan Malcolm?

Canadian Idol 5 - Audition Checklist

Remember back in the not-so-good, old days when you had to wait in line overnight for the chance to audition for Sass Jordan and company? Times have changed and you no longer have to waste your time like that! Auditions are held from 8AM-4PM on a first-come, first-served basis, but you'll be guaranteed an audition spot as long as you're there before 4PM. Canadian Idol is open to all Canadians aged 16-28 as of February 1, 2007. You must bring two pieces of identification with you, like a driver's license and a student card. At least one piece of ID must include a recent photo of you. You also have to bring a signed release form, which you can download it or grab at the audition venue. Be prepared to sing two songs - a capella or accompanied by your instrument. Yup, you heard it right the first time around - you can now sing and play an instrument during your audition! You can bring any type of instrument, as long as you can sing and play at the same time. So bring along your guitars and keyboards, but best to leave your saxophones and clarinets at home. Good luck!

Canadian Idol 5 - Audition Dates and Locations

Auditions are being held in 10 cities across Canada. Check out where!

  • Vancouver, BC - February 3-4, 2007
  • Calgary, AB - February 10-11, 2007
  • Saskatoon, SK - February 17-18, 2007
  • Winnipeg, MB - February 24-25, 2007
  • London, ON - March 3-4, 2007
  • Montreal, QC - March 10-11, 2007
  • Ottawa, ON - March 17-18, 2007
  • Halifax, NS - March 24-25, 2007
  • St. John's, NL - April 4, 2007
  • Toronto, ON - April 11, 2007
  • If you're ready for your moment in the spotlight, head over to the official site of Canadian Idol at to get more info


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