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Survivor Episode 13

Dec 27, 2006

Well, it was unlucky episode 13 - unlucky for Elisabeth that is. America's sweetheart gets the boot from the outback while America's cowboy continues his winning streak. That about sums up the second to last episode of the season.

The first challenge is a reward challenge with a big prize and a big surprise. The big prize: a Pontiac Aztek SUV. Yep, a car. The winner not only gets to sleep on a mattress in the vehicle (the back turns into a tent) but they also get a hot meal and a hot shower. Oh yeah, and that car will be waiting for them when they get home. The challenge is crazy. It's a combination of all the other challenges so it involves everything from shackles to blindfolds to ropes to fire. Elisabeth comes close, but Colby wins. I find it odd that Colby says he's never had a new car. Isn't the guy a car customizer or something? You'd think someone who works with cars might have owned a new one at some point.

Just before Colby leaves to spend the night in his new car, Elisabeth and Tina surprise him with a bouquet of wild flowers, kinda like a house-warming present (car-warming in this case.) Colby is really touched, but it's not his only surprise. The server who brings the food turns out to be his Mom. He is totally stoked and turns into that Mama's boy we saw last episode. Mrs. Donaldson heads back to Barramundi and is welcomed with open arms by the other survivors. Elisabeth cries - surprise. Tina is her usual perky self and even Keith is giddy - especially when Mrs. Donaldson gives them all care packages from home.

In between the challenges, they are given a mirror and a scale. No one cares that much about seeing themselves for the first time in 39 days, but the weight loss gets to them. In total, the four of them lost a combination of 85 pounds. "We lost a third grader," Elisabeth comments. Tina is the tiniest at only 99 pounds (she was 113 to begin with.) Keith lost the most. He was 190 to start and lost 27 pounds. Elisabeth is losing more than weight, the malnutrition is causing her hair to fall out.

The Immunity Challenge is really important this time around. Luckily it's a mind game so Colby-the-Powerhouse isn't guaranteed a win. This game involves memory. There are different Outback objects (a jaw bone, Kangaroo poo, etc) hidden under these covers. The person who matches the most of them wins. Colby wins. Looks like he's the fittest mentally too.

We all know now that it's either Keith or Elisabeth who'll get the boot. Colby confirms that by saying his only alliance is to Tina. Once again, Tina and her cowboy keep the bad and toss the good. America's Sweetheart gets the boot while the ever-annoying Keith stays. The jury seems rather repulsed by Colby and Tina's decision - a flash of the camera towards Nick shows him making a disapproving face.

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