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Tee Ball at the White House

Dec 27, 2006

You might not think President George W. Bush is the brighest dude when it comes to sports. After all, when George owned the Texas Rangers, he traded away super-slugger Sammy Sosa for a bag of baseballs and a package of Big League Chew. He didn't even play baseball, instead he chose to be head of the cheerleading team when he was in prep school. But Bush has come up with a pretty good idea now that he's the Prez - he's going to turn the White House lawn into a baseball park for kids. The President hopes it will get more people interested in America's national game.

Tee Ball games on the south lawn of the White House will start on May 6th with a game between the Capitol City League Rockies and the Satchell Paige League Memphis Red Sox. Both teams are from the Washington, D.C. area. The first game is gonna be pretty cool because Bob Costas will be the announcer and the Famous San Diego Chicken will be there. President Bush will throw the first pitch - well, actually he'll just place the first ball on the tee. Maybe he'll even grab his old pom-poms and do a little cheer.

There will be more baseball games on the White House lawn all summer long involving Little League teams from across the country. For more info, head to the offical Little League site.

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