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Simon's Blog - November 14, 2006

Dec 27, 2006

November 14, 2006

School is dragging, the weather is getting cold and Christmas vacation is still more than a month away. In case you're like me and are counting down the days until Christmas break, here's a few ideas for chilling on cold fall days:

  • Watch Football - This is the best time of year to be a football fan. The NFL is in mid-season form and the best games of the college football season are still to come.
  • Viva Pinata Video Game - I'm not just plugging this game because my family is Mexican - this is really a sweet new game for the Xbox 360. It's about a bunch of pinata animals that live on tropical island. You collect different ones and a grow a big garden of pinatas. Sound kinda strange? Check out Kidzworld's review of the game right here.
  • Wendy Wu On DVD - If you're a martial arts fans like I am, check out the new Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior movie. It just came out on DVD a couple of weeks ago and has some super sweet kung fu action scenes.
  • Get Your Wish List Ready - Christmas is just over a month away - so now is the time to start planting ideas in your parents' heads. Give the 'rents some extra help around the house and making sure you're on top of your homework. Get the good parental vibes going now and your stocking should be fuller on Christmas Day

Speaking of Christmas, I've got more good news to share with you guys. Kidzworld is giving away a bunch of new toys this month in the 2006 Top Toy Countdown. Some of the toys up for grabs include R/C cars, sweet LEGO sets, board games and more. So get ready to vote for your favorites and enter for a chance to win more than 25 of this year's hottest toys and games.

Anyway, I gotta fly. Let me know if you're going anywhere for your winter vacation? What are you hoping to get for Christmas this year? .


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