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NFL Gridiron Trivia Challenge

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Use football knowledge, luck and calcuated strategy to play the NFL Gridiron Trivia Challenge Board Game. Check out reviews of board games for families, kids and teens.

If you love the NFL, and think you know football better than anyone else, you can prove it with the new NFL Gridiron Trivia Challenge board game. You'll need to be more than just a football fan to win because just like real football, this game also requires lucky breaks and calculated strategy. Players or teams score points for correctly answering questions on different NFL players, teams, games and stats. More points are scored for answering harder questions and triple scores if you are able to complete a line of questions on the game board in any direction - that's where the strategy comes in. You need to try and complete a line of questions, while also preventing your opponent from completing one. This is a great board game for football fans, with a good mix of questions, both single answer and multiple choice. It's perfect for playing on game days or at your next Super Bowl party.

NFL Gridiron Trivia Challenge - Thumbs Up

  • Five categories and 1,500 different questions on the NFL.
  • Game combines NFL knowledge with calculated football strategy.
  • Great game for playing on Sunday afternoons, Monday nights or at Super Bowl parties.

NFL Gridiron Trivia Challenge - Thumbs Down

  • Younger players or non-football fans will find questions difficult.

NFL Gridiron Trivia Challenge Rating: 4
Age: 12 and up.
Price Range: 3

Price Range Legend
$0-$15 = 1
$16-$30 = 2
$31-$45 = 3
$46-$60 = 4
$60+ = 5

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