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Teen Horoscopes - October 2006

Dec 27, 2006

Kidzworld knows that sometimes it's good to have the heads-up on what's gonna go down in your world. So here's the 411 - according to our astrology chick, Lunar Frost. Check it out and see if your zodiac sign says that the light at the end of the tunnel is something awesome or an oncoming train...



March 21 - April 20
Looks count this month, so you better dress up - literally. Instead of buying your Halloween costume at the mall, get crafty and think inside the box - by decorating a cardboard box, you can turn it into a carton of milk, a treasure chest, a doll or action figure inside its packaging and so much more!



April 21 - May 20
You've made so many new friends that your old friends feel neglected. Since you're a social butterfly - and a great host/hostess - why don't you organize a fun get-together to help everyone get to know each other?



May 21 - June 21
You've already picked out a really cool Halloween costume and planned spooky parties and activities... does it seem like you're the only one excited about Halloween? Well it's still a few weeks away, so everyone will get into the spirit soon enough!



June 22 - July 22
Last month's fog has cleared up and you're back on track with school work, chores and abandoned projects. Watch for one of these projects to turn into something bigger than a hobby - cha-ching!


July 23 - August 22
Craving a change of scenery? Ask the 'rents if you can sleep over at your best bud's place for a couple of nights. It'll be nice to get away from that bratty sister of yours!


August 23 - September 22
You have a case of the boredom blues and it's starting to show in your grades. Before you bring home your first report card, get crackin' on your homework, study for that upcoming English test and ask your teachers for any extra assignments you can take on to boost your grades.

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