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How to Combat Smelly Feet

Dec 27, 2006

Can you clear out a crowded room just by taking off your shoes? It's nothing to be proud of... it's actually really gross. So Kidzworld is here to help you with this stinky problem!

P.U.! What Stinks?

Did you know you have more than 250,000 sweat glands in each foot? You have about the same number of sweat glands in your hands - but how come they don't smell? It's cuz hand sweat can air out while foot sweat gets trapped inside your socks and shoes. This sweat mixes with the bacteria on your skin, producing that disgusting smell that makes you want to gag! And if you sweat more, your feet will smell worse. So how can you get rid of foul foot odor? You've got to prevent the sweat.

Stop the Stink

  • Wear cotton socks cuz they absorb sweat better than other materials.
  • Change your socks every day. If you play sports, change 'em two or even three times a day.
  • Wash your feet every day with anti-bacterial soap. Make sure you soak them in a tub of warm water, instead of just letting water trickle over them in the shower.
  • Don't wear the same shoes every day. Alternate your shoes so that they have a day to air out.
  • Always wear socks with closed shoes.
  • Pour baking soda into your shoes and leave it overnight to absorb the odor. You can also dust it on your feet before you wear shoes.
  • Wash your shoes often. If you can't throw them into the washing machine, just wash the insoles.
  • Go barefoot around your house - your feet need to breathe too!
  • If nothing seems to stop the stink, go see a doctor.

Did U Know?

  • Smelly feet isn't dangerous to your health, but the bacteria that causes the odor can lead to infections like athlete's foot.
  • Some bacteria on your feet produce sulfur compounds, which smell like rotten eggs - yuck!
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