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Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Flying Dutchman Playset

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Create your own swashbuckling battles with Pirates of the Caribbean action figures and playsets. Check out cool toys, games and action figures for boys.

Create your own swashbuckling adventures with Pirates of the Caribbean action figures and playsets. The Flying Dutchmen playset is designed after the same ship from Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest and is packed with play-action features that let you recreate all the best battles between Captain Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones. The Flying Ducthman ship has two platforms for action figures that are controlled by sword-shaped levers. Using the levers, you can control the action as the figures spin, slice and lunge toward each other in a battle for total pirate supremacy. The ship is well detailed and also makes electronic sword-fighting sounds when you put your pirates into action. However, unlike in the movie, the Flying Dutchmen playset doesn't actually float so you can't play with it in water.

Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Flying Dutchman Playset - Thumbs Up

  • Flying Dutchmen is well made and has great details.
  • Ship makes cool electronic battle sounds.
  • Action figures controlled with sword-shaped levers.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Flying Dutchman Playset - Thumbs Down

  • Action figures and batteries not included.
  • Ship doesn't float in water.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean Flying Dutchman Playset Rating: 4
    Age: 6 to 10.
    Price Range: 2

  • To check out more Pirates of the Caribbean toys and action figures, head to
  • Price Range Legend
    $0-$15 = 1
    $16-$30 = 2
    $31-$45 = 3
    $46-$60 = 4
    $60+ = 5

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