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Fur - To Wear or Not to Wear? (pg. 3)

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

A full-on fur war has erupted among the stars - some celebs like Paris and J.Lo wear fur coats while others protest it. Get the facts on fur right here. - Page 3

1 It's true, it's cruel. Why would they do such a thing?

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: dominican_qt_808
Age: 12

1 You should wear fur if you like. It is their decision. I would wear fur and I do now.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: tlbrunson
Age: 13

1 Never in my life would I wear fur. It is disgusting! Imagine if you were the one being killed by animals!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: bulbgirl
Age: 11

1 If celebs want to wear fur, that's their business. By the way, where did Paris Hilton get pink fur??? Also, when you look at the link to worst dressed celebs, it says Paris Hilton got voted that for wearing tacky clothes, not for wearing fur.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: smartgirl789
Age: 13

1 I can't believe people would kill animals just so that people like Paris Hilton can wear it on their back. I would never wear fur, not even faux fur. It just really sickens me. We should have a law against animal cruelty.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: cool_chick94
Age: 12

1 I hate what they do with animals. I wear faux fur, not real fur. I really want them to stop! PETA and I can be friends, but I guess superstars can't. This sucks. I love animals, they are my friends. If I was an animal and someone tried to kill me, I would try to kill them because I love animals - everyone should!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Miley cryus 16
Age: 8

Click here to read more about celebrities who wear fur and those who are against it!

What do you think of wearing fur? We'd love to hear , so send them our way!

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