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August 2006 Horoscopes (pg. 2)

Dec 18, 2018



September 23 - October 23
Summer vacations are the best time to do things that you don't have the time for during the busy school year. Get to know that new kid who lives on your block, try out a hobby, or discover a hidden biking trail in the park. Summer days are long, so pack in as much fun as you can!




October 24 - November 22
Being the water sign that you are, you've been practically living at the swimming pool all summer! Take care not to get sunburned, have your hair turn an ugly chlorine-green color, or catch a gross foot fungal disease. As long as you apply sunscreen often, rinse out your hair and wear flip flops, you'll be fine.




November 23 - December 21
Just cuz school's out for the summer and you don't have homework piling up the wazoo, doesn't mean that you shold turn into a couch potato! There's so much to do when the sun is shining, so take advantage of the awesome weather and haul your butt outside!




December 22 - January 20
Capricorn, don't be surprised if you find romance lurking behind door #3. It always happens when you least expect it, like when you're buying a hot dog at the concession stand or finding a place to lay down your towel at the beach.




January 21 - February 19
Don't get so annoyed with your camera-happy 'rents. Parents love capturing special moments with the family, and you'll be glad they did when you come back from vacation and have all these cool pics to show off to your friends (who, by the way, weren't as lucky as you to go away on holiday!).




February 20 - March 20
Feeling bored and restless? Why not make a to-do list of all the things you want to do? You should even include wild and crazy stuff, like bungee jumping and swimming with dolphins, cuz you don't have to finish everything by the end of THIS summer.





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