LEGO wants your bricks. Gather up your LEGO bricks and pieces and you can help kids in New Orleans affected by Hurricane Katrina rebuild for the future!
Rebuild New Orleans With LEGO?
So, how will LEGO bricks help kids in New Orleans? Do they really think they can rebuild all those houses, schools, bridges and levees with LEGO bricks? Of course not - but donating LEGO can help in a small way. LEGO is going to collect donations of LEGO bricks from kids across the United States and make a brick-for-brick matching donation to schools in New Orleans, which are slowly reopening. Many of the bricks will be used by kids, designers and a LEGO Master Builder to build a master replica of the city of New Orleans. This model will then be donated to The Arts Council of New Orleans, which lost many piece of cool art from the devastation caused by Hurrican Katrina in 2005. The donated LEGO pieces will also be used for education and play programs at after-school programs in the city.Donate LEGO, Get A Wristband
Now, we all know how cool LEGO is, so no one's asking you to hand over ALL your LEGO bricks. That would be insane. But donating a few bricks can be a good way to help out other peeps who lost a whole lot more than their favorite LEGO set during Hurricane Katrina. By mailing in one or more LEGO bricks, you'll be doing something nice and you'll also receive a LEGO-studded rubber bracelet to recognize your contribution. Along with your LEGO bricks, you can also send in photos or notes describing something you think would help New Orleans become a strong city.Click Here.
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