New episodes of our fave shows are on their way. Its hard to believe. The WB has had so many of repeats Buffy, Angel and Roswell it kinda makes you feel like youve got a permanent case of Deja Vu.
The moment we've all been waiting for is here - almost. New episodes of our fave shows are on their way. I know it's hard to believe. The WB has had so many repeats of Buffy, Angel and Roswell that it kinda makes you feel like you have a permanent case of Deja Vu. Here's a sneak peak at what'll happen:
Creator Joss Wheadon really left us hanging on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Before going into repeats, Joyce Summers - everybody's favorite mom - died. Yep, died. And not some, pretending to be dead, half dead, gonna be brought back kinda dead either- just dead. The episode, which was directed and written by the creator, was eery and pianful and gut-wrenching and poetic. Now, in the first new episode since Joyce's passing, the slayer is in full mourning mode (obviously) and guess who returns to Sunnydale to help her deal? Yep - Angel. While he's comforting Buffy, lil' sis Dawn is brewing up a spell to bring Mom back from the dead. That can't be good. Angel and Buffy reunite on April 17 so set your VCRs and grab that box of tissue.
Buffy is also getting 'toony. Fox Kids, with the help of genius Joss, are creating an animated version of the hit show. The cartoon, which will start airing about February of 2002, will have Buffy back in high school and will be less violent and sexy than the regular show. She'll still stake tons of vamps though, so it's all good.
Meanwhile, on Angel, Cordelia gets a visit from an old high school pal - Harmony. The bimbo vampire is Spike-less and looking for fun in LA. This should be interesting because Harmony (played by Mercedes McNab) is more hilarious than harmful, even if she is a bloodsucker. This episode airs right after Buffy on April 17 on the WB.
Everyone's fave aliens are back and preparing for the biggest event of their lives - prom. Roswell's famous on-again, off-again couple - Max and Liz - are on-again, that is if Max accepts Liz's prom invite. Isabel is totally into Alex (finally) and Maria asks Michael, who disses her (Surprise - not!) No word yet on what wonderfully spooky alien things might happen in the process but you know it won't be freak-free. If Roswell is your favorite show, you better enjoy it while you can. There are only six new epsidoes left this season, including this one, and no word yet on whether the WB will be picking it up next season.
All six Friends are back on the set and getting ready for Monica and Chandler's big day. It was rumored that the wedding of Monica and Chandler, might not happen in the season finale this year (like it was supposed to) because Matthew Perry was in rehab. But he's back and things are going along as scheduled, of course that doesn't mean that the wedding will be smooth sailing - expect a lot of laughs and blunders before Chandler kisses the bride.
Felicity comes back on April 18 and we'll be able to finally find out who survive's the holiday party that ended in gunfire. The powers-that-be are pretty tight-lipped about it but they do warn that everyone's lives will be changed forever. Hmm...