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The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe DVD Review

Dec 27, 2006

C.S. Lewis' epic tale, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian is next in line to hit the big screen. But before you run to the theater, you'd better make sure you're up to speed on The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe! Kidzworld reviews the first installment, which is available on DVD.

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe is the second of seven books in the Narnia series and it tells the tale of the four Pevensie children. It's World War II and all the children of London are being sent into the country to board with other families until the bombings have stopped. The Pevensie children end up staying with an old literary professor who likes to be left alone. One day, while playing hide and seek, Lucy, the youngest sister stumbles across an old wardrobe and fancies it a perfect hiding place. As she creeps further and further back, she suddenly finds herself in a snow-covered forest and decides to explore!

Imaginary Land

At first, no one believes Lucy's tales of Narnia. When her brothers and sisters go to check the wardrobe, there's nothing but old fur jackets inside. But, one day, while trying to hide from the Professor's housekeeper, all four siblings hide in the wardrobe and find themselves now in the world of Narnia. Little do they know that they are part of an ancient prophecy and are destined to end the 100-year winter that has settled on Narnia and defeat the evil White Witch!

An Enemy Among Us

Despite being thrown into a very dangerous situation, the Pevensies band together to help out their new friends of Narnia. Or do they? Younger brother Edmund has always felt second best to his older brother Peter and when the White Witch offers him the chance to be King of Narnia, he quickly ditches his siblings and sets out to the evil witch's castle. Now Peter, Susan and Lucy need to rescue their brother from the White Witch's trap and save Narnia all at the same time!

DVD Features

All fantasy fans should pick up a copy of the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The movie itself is breathtaking and the DVD extras will just add value to this exceptional flick. This two-disc masterpiece includes commentary from the director and actors, behind-the-scenes looks at how the magical land of Narnia was created, bloopers and a meet-and-greet with the cool animals and characters that are featured in the movie! There are hours of Narnia fun with this DVD. A Blu-ray version of the DVD was released May 13, 2008, which features picture-in-picture extras.

The Chronicles of Narnia - Bottom Line

The Chronicles of Narnia is being referred to as a light version of The Lord of the Rings, but it's much more than a copy-cat film. The set created for Narnia is absolutely stunning. Snow-covered trees, vast expanses of frozen terrain and of course all of the magical creatures that the Pevensies encounter. Any fan of fantasy flicks will love The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe!

The Chronicles of Narnia Rating:

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