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Magic: The Gathering: Ravnica Set and Starter Deck Reviews

Dec 27, 2006

The Magic: The Gathering card game just got bigger! The first of three Ravnica: City of Guilds sets just added a ton of new cards and strategies to the game. With new card powers, hordes of new monsters, crazy new guild color-combos, four new Theme Decks and super powerful new legendary creatures, how does it add up? We review it all here!

Magic: The Gathering: New Ravnica Powers and Strategies

There are five new powers in the Ravnica set, here's the scoop on 'em.
  • Hybrid Mana Costs - Cards with these split-Mana symbols let you use either type of Mana to use the card and they count as both colors when they're cast.
  • Convoke - These cards let you tap creatures for Mana, just like land, when you play them!
  • Dredge - If one of these cards is in your graveyard and you're about to draw a card, you can ditch cards from the top of your deck into your graveyard and draw it instead.
  • Radiance - This power means that when you hit a card with one of these spells, it affects every card with the same color.
  • Transmute - Don't like your card? Transmute lets you pay Mana to ditch it and search your deck for another card with the same cost.
  • Powerful Cards and Awesome Strategies in Ravnica

    The new card powers aren't all you'll find in the Magic: The Gathering Ravnica set. The set is also full of Guilds that are all about cool color-combo cards. Here's the scoop:
  • Boros - Red and White.
  • Dimir - Black and Blue.
  • Golgori - Black and Green.
  • Selesnya - Green and White.

  • The new powers are nice too, especially Dredge! It's a great way to grab a card you need, even if you've already used it, and lots of Dredge cards power-up when there are lots of cards in the graveyard!

    Lame Powers in the Magic: The Gathering: Ravnica Set

    Dredge is cool, unfortunately Transmute is weak! Unless you have a heap of Mana available, it's a waste of a turn and you have to show your opponent the card you're getting.

    Ravnica Set Theme Deck Reviews!

    We review each of the Ravnica Theme Decks, click the links below to check 'em out.
  • Charge of the Boros
  • Dimir Intrigues
  • Golgari Deathcreep
  • Selesnya United
  • Magic: The Gathering: Ravnica Set Summary

    This set is crazy! It's packed with powerful cards, twisted new color combos and awesome artwork. Some of the new powers aren't that hot, but there are lots of cards worth grabbing, plus the Charge of the Boros and Selesnya United decks are great for new Magic players.

    Ravnica Set Rating:

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  • Magic: The Gathering: Basic Game Review
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