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Wild Ones Action Figures

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

You wont find these anchored to the couch watching TV. Wild Ones are adventure action figures who live for their sport. Check out reviews of action figures, games, gadgets and other toys for kids.

You won't find these anchored to the couch watching TV. Wild Ones are adventure action figures who live for their sport. This collection includes action figures doing 12 different adventure sports including riding ATVs, scuba diving, mountain boarding, rock climbing and hang gliding.

Each figure has 17 different moveable joints so you can twist and turn each Wild One into doing almost any sort of adventure sports move you can think of. Watch Red Dogg catch big air on backcountry trails with his mountain bike or see Chase huck off a massive cliff with his mountain board. The Wild Ones come with some very cool adventure sports gear - the snowmobile that Red Dogg rides has a real steering mechanism and suspension while the hang glider can really fly with the figure attached to it. While the gear with the Wild Ones action figures is pretty sweet - the helmets on some of the figures don't fit too well, which might not be good for their heads if they ever have a nasty crash.

Wild Ones - Thumbs Up

  • Figures have good joint movement - can turn into almost any move or pose.
  • Cool gear and clothing.
  • Vehicles have real suspension and rotating wheels.
  • Wild Ones - Thumbs Down

  • Helmets don't fit too well - not good for big wipeouts..
  • No female Wild Ones in the collection.
  • Wild Ones Rating: 4
    Age: 6 and up
    Price Range: 2

    Price Range Legend
    $0-$15 = 1
    $16-$30 = 2
    $31-$45 = 3
    $46-$60 = 4
    $60+ = 5

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