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March Madness

Dec 27, 2006

Take Your Best Shot

It's springtime and basketball is in the air. The swoosh of hoops and the screams of fans is mad loud. Cheering for your favorite team is it. It's hard not to watch and get caught up in the fun. Luckily for most of us, the game is just a game - Win, Lose or Draw. Unless you're bettin', it really doesn't matter who wins. The question for you is: how are you playin'?

The Game

I don't mean play a game on the court or on the field. I mean the game of life. How much do you give your team (family, friends and teachers) or coach (yourself)? Wayne Gretzky once said, "You're guaranteed to miss 100 percent of the shots you never take." Is he talkin' to you?

The Plan

Look around. Notice who gives 110 percent (a baller) or who is a slacker (bench warmer.) Which are you and more importantly - who do you want to be? Just like you work-out to stay in shape or study hard for a test, you should have a plan. A plan that helps you take a shot and be slammin'. Ready? Start now. Find your pen and paper.

The Goal

Okay. Answer this question. What do you want to do in your life (right now) that you aren't already doing? (Anyone who wrote down they want to go out with Justin Timberlake loses points.) Ya know why? Because Goals are RAD baby. Realistic - are ya with me? They involve Action and they must be Doable. You can do it.

The Team

Ask your parents or the adults you know how they reached one of their goals. You can hang with brainiacs or ballers as long as they are bringing their "A" game. Learn to always take a shot because it doesn't matter if you win or lose as long as you got game. And you do.

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