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Sindy's Blog - November 3, 2005

Dec 27, 2006

November 3, 2005

Well, how was everyone's Halloween? Mine was alright. I really wanted to go trick or treating but the only person who wanted to go was my little sister. So, we got all dressed up in our costumes and set out to get some candy. And guess what happened? This horrible woman said I was too old to trick or treat and wouldn't give me candy!

I was so bummed. It's not like I was wandering from house to house without a costume, demanding to be given candy. I went all out on my costume and I was taking my sister out. The least I deserve is some chocolate, don't you think?

What do you do when something like that happens? I ended up just walking Amy around and stood at the bottom of the steps waiting for her. Usually she is such a pain in the butt, but she was cool enough to share her candy with me when we got home. My mom said that some people think that trick or treating should just be for little kids and that I shouldn't be too worried about what one crazy lady thinks.

I thought about egging her house for making me feel bad, but that probably wouldn't earn me very good karma. After the trick or treating fiasco, I went over to Josh's house for a bit and we watched Beetlejuice. Such a great movie for Halloween.

how your Halloween went! Did you get lots of candy? Did you go to a school dance? What did you dress up as? I want details!

Peace Out,

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