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Big Brothers Big Sisters

Dec 27, 2006

Have you ever had someone who brought a little magic into your world just by being there for you? Well that's what Big Brothers and Big Sisters do! They try to make a difference in your life by being a friend, mentor and positive role model. Find out what this organization is all about.

Big Brothers Big Sisters - A Little in Need

In 1904, a court clerk named Ernest Coulter saw thousands of kids who kept getting into trouble with the law - so he decided to do something about it. He gathered up 40 men to take on the role of a big brother to these troubled children, creating the organization that is now known as Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBS). It's the oldest and largest youth mentoring organization in the US, and it pairs volunteers (Bigs) with kids and teens (Littles) who need a caring adult and friend in their lives. Studies have shown that Big Brothers Big Sisters' one-to-one mentoring helps kids be more confident, get better grades in school and get along better with friends and family. BBBS currently helps more than 225,000 children, but hopes to serve one million by 2010!

Big Brothers Big Sisters - Mentoring Programs

BBBS offers two main programs for Bigs and Littles to spend time together.
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters in Communities - Bigs and Littles hang out and do activities they both enjoy, such as attending sporting events and going out for ice cream.
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters in Schools - Once a week, Bigs and Littles meet at school to have lunch together, play sports in the gym or read books in the library.
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters - Get Involved!

    If you're looking for a fun friend, caring adult or great role model in your life, then sign up to be a Little! Big Brothers Big Sisters serves kids and teens aged 5-18 across the US, so you'll be paired with a Big in your city who best matches your personality and hobbies. For more info on this youth mentoring organization, head to the Big Brothers Big Sisters website.

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