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Sports On Father's Day

Jun 10, 2013

Whether you watch a game with dad on TV or teach him how to skateboard, share your love of sports with your dad on Father's Day! Here's a few ways you can show dad you're his number one fan.

Father's Day Ideas: The Great Outdoors

Enjoy Father's Day with your dad by going on a hiking or biking trip. It's a great way to enjoy the summer weather and for both you and your dad to get some exercise. Bring a camera, pack a lunch and make it an all-day event.

Father's Day Ideas: Take Him To A Game

Whether you get tickets to a baseball game or the local lawn bowling championships, a live sporting event is a great way to spend some time with your dad on Father's Day. If you can't find any sporting events to take dad to on Father's Day, take him to see a cool sports movie like Kicking and Screaming or Lords of Dogtown.

Father's Day Ideas: Teach Dad To Ollie

They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. But don't let that stop you from trying to get dad on a skateboard for Father's Day. You probably won't be able to teach him to ollie in one afternoon, but you may get a good laugh seeing your dad crash and burn. Just makes sure he wears a helmet and you have plenty of Band-Aids around.

Father's Day Ideas: Watch The Big Games

Father's Day 2010 is a great day for watching sports on TV, so spend the day channel surfing with your dad. You can watch the NBA Finals, World Cup Soccer or your choice of more than a dozen baseball games!

Father's Day Ideas: Sports Video Games

Buy dad a copy of your fave racing game or sports game along with your fave video game console and challenge him to a day of playing video games. Even if dad doesn't get the same buzz you get from playing a new video game, he'll be glad you thought to spend part of your savings on a gift "for dad".

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